Welcome to OpenGLOBE - The oldest Odoo partner in Poland.
News !
New connectors and functionalities for Odoo
We developed solutions to scan and print barcdes in GS1 standard for logistic, foot industry and medical purposes.
We can develop any bank connectors for importing Bank Statements or for exporting Payments. Ready connectors: mBank. ING, CITI, Alior, BOŚ.
Our company has developed a connector for DPD, UPS, Yodel and Fedex delivery services. It allows users to register a parcel to be sent with just one click in the Odoo system. You can generate the label for the parcel in PDF format and print it. You can also generate the shipping list, register it in the Delivery Service system and to print it. This connector works with the Polish DHL, DPD service, International DHL, UPS and Fedex, or German Hermes or British services DPD UK or Yodel UK. We created conektor to centralized system 7S (curently BPost BE, Post AT, GLS FR, Mondial Relay FR, Colissimo FR, SwissPost CH, Post NL, Hermes DE (partial), DHL DE (partial))
We developed the Novitus and Posnet fiscal printer connectors for the POS and pos_restaurant module in Odoo.
We developed also connector to online payment system PayU for odoo ecommerce module (multicurrency and/or recurring payment).
Many of our current connectors are specific for our customers. We can develop suach connectors in specific variants.
We are able to develop diverse connectors for many other devices and services.
Furthermore, we have developed a Polish payroll module that is tailored to the Polish law regulations.
For general functionality we are focused on developing of MPS module (stock_planning) and APS (Advanced Planning System with own gantt view) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) as well.
developed module for chemical GHS hazard
warnings, and CLP signs
according to ADR standard.
New English Section
23.02.2015Welcome to the new section available in English on our website - References. There you can find brief descriptions of some of our customers as well as works we have done for them. Enjoy!
Success on Odoo OpenDays 2014 !
On 4.06.2014 we made a presentation of our MRP Improvements on Odoo OpenDays in Foyer Royal at Aula Magna in Lovain-la-Nueve (Belgium). The presentation had 160 persons audience. After presentation the presenter Grzegorz Grzelak received a lot of congratulations for so interesting develeopment in MRP area. A lot of people were interested in our solutions. If you didn't attended the presentation you can find summary here. Later on we will prapare a movie to present our solutions.
We are ready to offer our solutions in many areas over the globe
Other Information
OpenGLOBE was established (21.10.2010) to help any company to implement and use open source ERP software. We have the biggest experience in developing Odoo system and Odoo community in Poland.
We have developed polish terminology and localization modules to implement Odoo in Polish companies according to all local requirements. By now we made the biggest commitment into Odoo in polish language.
We created module for multilevel marketing - sale_mlm. Module allows you to calculate commission for salesmen organized in multilevel hierarchy.
- We have experience in connectors from Odoo to Magento and Prestashop connectors (and other connectors for particular wish)
- We have good experience in production modules (two customers of electronics production). We developed solution for production planning by resources avilabiity.
- We developed our own integration platform to electronic banking. Our soution can recognize partners and invoices in bank statements so transfers can be reconciled automaticaly.
- We have good experience in creation of barcode reader wizards (fe GS1 standard) and barcode printing.
- We have good experience in creation of tmplates for bar code label printers.
- We integrate Odoo with industrial printers for labelling
Fe. EBS Inkjet Systems (www.ebs-inkjet.com)
Our current customers are from Poland, Czech Republic, China. The biggest customers belongs to electronic industry.
We offer all services needed to implement Odoo in your company:
- Process design,
- Implementation project design,
- Consulting,
- Programming,
- Training,
- Installation,
- Migration from other systems,
- Integration with other systems (fe. e-sale, asterisk, mail),
- Sytem configuration,
- First days launch assitance.
After system launch we offer regular system maintenance, regular consulting maintenance and farther system developing.
If you need farther information please contact us:
Grzegorz Grzelak
tel. +48 605 63 18 21
mail: contact@openglobe.pl
or grzegorz.grzelak@openglobe.pl
Full company info:
OpenGLOBE Grzegorz Grzelak
05-261 Marki, ul. Spacerowa 112
VAT No: PL125 033 25 54
bank account (IBAN for PLN and other currency): PL 97 1140 2004 0000 3102 7097 6119 BIC: BREXPLPWMBK
bank account (IBAN for EUR payment): PL 47 1140 2004 0000 3712 0195 9154 BIC: BREXPLPWMBK